Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Highborne Cay, Bahamas May 7, 2006

Saturday, May 6,2006   Highborne Cay
A calm day so I hauled the damaged 110 lb.Bruce anchor, dropped it into the Cub, detached it from the chain and hoisted it onto the promenade deck with the boom and rigging.  Then it was a simple matter to separate the 60 lb. Bruce from its mostly rope rode and attach the chain rode.  I find I sleep better when the anchor is healthy.

Sunday, May 07, 2006 
Highborne Cay has a small marina (full of expensive yachts) and a guest house.  Last night we went ashore to the marina for a barbeque and met some nice folks – we went because Marnie said it was my birthday celebration and I had to go.  She had talked to Barbara, the island manager and a good friend of Sara McCoy’s, and got her permission to attend the fest.  Marnie told Barbara it was my birthday and I simply had to have this treat.
Stomatolite Beach, named after its rare and ancient coral formations, borders the east side.  It is about a mile long and has incredible white sand, crystal clear turquoise water, and nobody on it – incredible.  We walked the beach today and skinny dipped, as we did yesterday also.  When we returned to the small beach next to the marina where we had the Cub hauled up and tied to a stake, we found the Cub swamped.  Marnie went off and, in her enterprising way, recruited some young men to help us.  During our day at the beach the tide had come in, small waves had flooded the boat, and then the tide retreated leaving Cub swamped yet now far from the retreated water.  Using pails, pans, whatever, we managed to bail out the boat and then drag it down to the water.  Somehow the motor started, albeit with a pull start rather than battery, and off we went out to Simba which is anchored out a bit from the island.  Just another adventure on Simba.

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